
These tender, spreading perennials are grown for their pretty, scale-like foliage. They can be used for edging greenhouse benches, covering pillars, planting in hanging baskets and decorating terrariums. Most of these plants are found wild in tropical America and Asia, but some come from China, Japan, North America, South Africa and Australia. S. martensii is a pretty plant that grows up to 9 inches high and wide. Its tiny, glossy green leaves are produced in thick, multi-branched sprays. S. kraussiana (Spreading Club Moss/Trailing Spike Moss) is a trailing plant that grows 1/2-inch high and has a limitless spread. Its tiny, bright green leaves overlap along jointed stems. This plant has a moss-like appearance. S. lepidophylla (Resurrection Plant) is a native of desert and semi-desert regions from Texas to South America. It is given its common name because of its habit of curling into a tight ball and turning brown when dry and opening out flat and turning green when water is again available.

Pot Cultivation

These plants need a minimum temperature of 40 degrees. In cool climates, grow these plants in a house or greenhouse in moist, peaty soil consisting of one part loam, two parts leaf mold, one part sand and a bit of lump charcoal. To grow these plants in hanging baskets, the baskets must first be lined with moss and then filled with the soil mixture. Take care when watering because the soil dries out more quickly in baskets than in pots.


They may be divided at any time of the year. Cuttings of shoots may be inserted in compost and moistened daily. They will produce roots quickly.

S. Braunii


  • Hothouse -
  • S. uncinata;
  • S. denticulata
  • ; S. canaliculata;
  • S. lepidophylla;
  • S. martensii;
  • S. Braunii;
  • S. delicatissima.
    Cool greenhouse -
  • S. kraussiana;
  • S. caulescens;
  • S. helvetica;
  • S. douglasii;
  • S. apus.  

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